5 Accessories for Server Racks you shouldn’t miss out on

Server racks can become unmanageable very quickly. Therefore, it is important that you use the right accessories to make your servers and data centre more manageable and practical. Here is a list of five server rack accessories that will make your life much easier!

A KVM switch or a Keyboard, Video, Mouse switch is a smart accessory to have in your data centre. Through a KVM switch, the server administrator can control multiple computers using a single mouse, keyboard and video display monitor. You can simply press a button to shuffle between multiple outputs, enhancing the working capacity of your system.

KVM Switch

Ventilation fans in a server rack can be enhanced using newer fans and technology but cannot be altogether removed. These play a vital role in keeping the entire system cool and prevent overheating that can have disastrous effects. Fans dispel the hot air from vacant areas ensuring that hot spots are not being created in these areas which can result in very high temperatures very quickly. You can mount these fans on cabinet doors, the sides of the cabinets and also the roofs of the cabinets.

Ventilation Fans

Surge protectors are an important accessory to have for data centres and all successful data centres use some sort of surge protection to ensure the smooth working of all their devices, decreasing the down-time. You can easily mount the surge protector power strips on your storage rack for a less cluttered space without compromising on the functionality.

Surge Protectors

Blanking panels are an excellent accessory that serves multiple purposes. You can use these cost-effective devices to block the deep end of your server racks, giving them a more organised appearance. Secondly, and more importantly, you can use blanking panels to fill out any unused space in your racks. This helps tremendously when you are trying to cool the servers as cool air is not wasted in unused corners and is absorbed by the server itself, maximising the cooling process.

Blanking Panels

As far as decluttering the data centre is concerned, these are among the most effective accessories that you can use. Cable management systems not only make the server rooms look more organized and manageable but also offer a ton of functionality. If your cables are well organized, it is easier to find and fix physical damage when it occurs. You can use both vertical and horizontal cable organizers.

Cable Management Systems

At Hardy Racks, everything we do is geared towards more efficient operations of your server room or data center. Talk to us to see if our accessories could make a big difference to your business!