Best Practices in Data Center Security

Data Centers are huge and complex systems that work seamlessly through the collaboration of technology and trained professionals. In order to ensure that these systems keep working flawlessly, it is important that all aspects of a data center’s security are considered. Here are some of the best practices that can be adopted to ensure a sound system of security at a data center.

Encrypted Networks

With data centers moving fast towards virtualization, the infrastructure supporting this change needs additional layers of security. We need targeted solutions to tackle the problems that arise because of this transition. One way of tackling the issue is by implementing network-level security in the form of encryption. This type of encryption uses cryptography at the network data layer – the layer which is responsible for offering connectivity and handling routing between different endpoints. Since network-encryption works independently of all other types of encryptions, it offers an added layer of security, which makes it a standalone solution.

Endpoint Security

Today, an increasing number of companies are opting for data centre colocation and sometimes companies also give out rack and cage space to their clients. On the one hand, this setup might increase efficiency and speed, and lower the costs – however, it can also decrease your system’s overall security if not done properly. If the other party does not secure the server properly, the entire data center could be at risk. In order to prevent remote access to unauthorized professionals and to keep the data safe, it is important to secure all the endpoints in the system. These end-points can include any device like servers, tablets, smartphones or laptops that are connected to the data center.

Intrusion Prevention and Detection

Artificial intelligence or machine learning technologies can be put in place in order to prevent and detect intrusion when or if it happens. These systems work at all times and collect data on a regular basis which helps them pick up regular patterns and movements within the data centre network. Now, once these machines have been fed this data, they are able to pick out abnormalities and raise an alert right away. This ensures that no unusual activities go unnoticed and unaddressed. Unusual activities can include an increase in system rights to a large number of people at any given time, movement of large datasets around the system, an influx of service requests, etc.

Comprehensive Documentation

With data centers operating on several levels and performing huge numbers of tasks every minute, it is important that every step is well-documented. Where documentation does not do anything to stop the threat in real-time, it can always work as a guide or help pick up early signs of a security threat in the future. If you are properly documented, you can always go back and pin-point the security breach so that the system can be made smarter and more secure.

Controlled Physical Access

Physical access to the data centre must be monitored at all times to ensure security at that end. It can be achieved by installing biometric scanners at all doors, keeping rigorous video logs and entry logs and also by running timely audits. By dedicating resources to auditing, you can make sure that there is no data leakage or unauthorized access to smaller sections of the data as it can pave for a bigger attack later. Studies have shown that a majority of data breaches occur at the rack level through physical access – meaning that rack security is extremely important.

Now that you are aware of all the different ways in which you can make your system more secure, it is time to have a look at your data centre and start strategizing! Hardy Racks offers solutions in planning security across your data center, and offers rack-level security systems as well. Talk to us today to know more!