Server Rack Customization in Contemporary Data Centers

On the one hand where the advancements in cloud and edge computing, data density and processing speeds get discussed frequently and in-depth, on the other hand, there is a field that is largely sitting away from the spotlight. The physical aspects of the data centers and the actual racks that are used to store them are also having to evolve but we do not hear about them very often!

As servers and other equipment being used in data centers becomes denser and longer, the way we store and transport them has also had to evolve very quickly. These changes cost millions of dollars every year but seldom grab attention.

The changing environment

Additionally, the physical footprint is also changing owing to the changes in cabling, temperature control and other flooring choices being made in modern data centers. This has led data center rack manufacturers to constantly evolve the designs of their racks to make them more suitable for usage in today’s environment.

Since the data center layouts are in a transition mode and every data center has its very own requirements, manufacturers are having to come up with rack solutions that are flexible and customizable. This has also happened because racks are often not configured or used in the way that the manufacturer has envisioned. If the prerequisites are too rigid with very little leeway for customization, it can mean that the racks underperform in a majority of the situations and in worst cases, can also cause damage.

Customization is King

Hardware for Customizing Server Racks

1. Slide Rails:

Slide rails are a great option when it comes to storing increasingly dense hardware. You can load the hardware onto the rack before and then simply slide the rack in and lock it in position for a more ergonomic operation. It must be noted that these rails should not be used for very bulky equipment.

2. Slotted Slide Rails:

Slotted rails are an excellent option if you do not want to have to screw your server to the rail. All you need to do is place the server onto the rack and drop the locking pins into the slot.

3. Fixed Rails:

Fixed rails do not move and thus are not very flexible to work with but they can also be customized as much as a slide or a slot rail. You can choose the thickness and the size of these rails and use them within closed or open systems to achieve the desired configuration.

4. Shelves:

Shelves are being increasingly customized, allowing specific airflow capabilities, varying thickness and sizes among other aspects. The different, most popular types today include, vented, flat, center mount, cantilever, sliding pullout, and sliding keyboard types.

5. Rack Mounts:

Mounting kits can vary and can also be customized for particular operations. You can opt for shelf mounts, rail mounts or four-poster mounts depending on the weight and the size of the hardware being mounted.

With the fast-paced environment of today’s data centers, hardware is continuously brought in and out and therefore, it is important that the contemporary parts work equally well with both the new and the old in order to bring down costs and decrease downtime.

In this interesting time of change, the possibilities are endless only if you have the right equipment! As a frontrunner in this exciting domain, Hardy Racks is well equipped to support you with your data center needs. Talk to us today!